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Small Steps lead to Big Steps

I started using essential oils about a year ago. I went to a get together with a co worker and fell in love right away! They smelled amazing and would help keep my family healthy! Seemed like a win-win situation right! So I bought a starter kit and brought it home.

I am a mom of two young girls so life got in the way and I was not able to sit and really open the kit for 2 days. At that point I opened the box and pulled out my 11 great smelling oils and a diffuser but could not remember what to do with them! I loved the smell of thieves so I diffused that. I wanted more from the oils but felt a little overwelmed...

....Then I came across a blog that had the best suggestion ever!

Focus on one oil a week. Use the oil. Research the oil! Get comfortable with how to use that oil and then chose a different oil!!!

Start with just smelling the oil. You can put a drop in your hands and then rub your hands together. Then cup your hands over your nose and take big, slow deep breaths for a minute or so. You can also put the oil in a diffuser if you have one or rub a drop or two onto your feet with a carrier oil And, If you do not love the smell that is OK!!! Put on a pair of socks and go about your day. Over the next few days or week you will notice how your body feels.

Do a little reading about that one oil. Learn about how it is commonly used. There are so many great references about essential oils out there.

An oil a week is manageable right! And at the end of a year you potentially will have learned about 52 oils!!!

An oil a week is what I plan to do on this blog. Focus on one oil a week. I will start with some of the oils featured in the starter kit and then move on to many of the other amazing oils that young living has to offer!

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